Monday, February 19, 2007

A Valentine Ode to a young girl who grew up right before my very own eyes

There was once a little girl named Evangeline,
Who grew up quietly playing her mandoline.
From a career of the few, the proud, and the pink,
She turned from prancer to the swimmer in the drink.
Though the bodies of those who crash and burn do pile
And her test scores and brown friends make her smile,
I will always remember with heart aglow
The pretty little girl who said, “I know.”
I love you,

Friday, February 02, 2007

back to the basics

it's been a month so i feel like i need to post, but i don't have much to say, really... The play ended and it all went very well, exams are over (thank goodnessss!), we went on a river picnic tonight with good friends (which was awesome!!), i still swim twice or as many times as i can a week, i now am doing "boot camp" twice a week, and i have no homework for this weekend! So what do i choose to do with my time? Write something absolutely pointless. Here you are:

I love it when...
the power's on
*Todd is hyper
*I can sleep in past 11
*i get done swimming at 7am (the feeling is great ... i'm just all ready for the day! bring it on.)
*Chaima gets a good grade in English
*Chaima says something that makes no sense in english, but makes perfect sense to us...
*there's ice cream
*my room is cold enough for me to be able to snuggle under a few blankets and not be sweating!!
*i have time to relax and watch a movie
*i can take pictures without watching my back for policemen
*people follow traffic laws
*people know how to stay in line
*people make me laugh
*i get long emails from certain people
*i have the time to write a really long email or "book" as chaima calls my emails!
*my shoulder isn't killing me (thats rare)
*i swim
*i can get/give hugs. The kind that last long.
*lyrics pop into my head and i can write a song
*it's bedtime
*Mr. Cabalka says good morning to me at school
*i sing in choir
*my rhythm doesn't suck
*i can watch the sunset
*i have chocolate
*i can take a long hot shower
*i get to catch up with old friends online
*someone says sweet dreams...and i actually do have nice dreams
*people seem to care
*i make a good grade
*i can encourage someone or at least make them smile
*boot camp is over for the day (haha kidding todd... well, only sorta!)
*i get sore from working hard
*we play games as a family and with friends
*my plans with friends actually work out
*i can lie in the sun
*i'm listening to music
*there's a bathtub in which i can take a nice long bubble bath with candles!
*someone unexpectant text messages me
*people screw up my name and call me evangelism
*i have the time to take a nap....even just for 30mins
*French/Africans or other internationals (and of course my friends!) kiss on each cheek (bisous!!)
*we get mail (doesn't happen often enough!)
*i bake something that tastes good
*i drink southern sweet tea...and it's really sweet
*i have a chance to just talk to my parents
*there aren't any clouds in the sky
*we have lots of fresh fruit like mangoes, pineapple, and mangostein!
*mom makes us hot tea and we have cookies
*someone brings oreos, reeses...or sour candy from the states
*someone brings us anything from the states
*there's something worth watching on tv and i actually have time to sit down and watch it
*there's a full moon out
*we go out to eat in an air-conditioned restaurant
*my feet don't get dirty lol
*i have enough boredom-time to write a pointless blog!

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