Sunday, October 28, 2007

college life at gordash

I am loving it here. I have 4 people that I hang out with constantly, and a bunch of other friends that have their own friends but are friends with me. It's hard to explain, but everyone is in their own little groups. I thought cliques were a highschool thing, but definitely not. Cliques are around the rest of your life I kinda think. It's fine because these 4 people are amazing and we're all really close! Becky, Kate, Andy, and Frank are the ones that I always hang with. Becky and Kate and I are like the same people in different bodies. We think alike and act alike and ... sometimes that can be skary?! :-) It's a blast being around them. And we're so close that we can sit and not say anything but it isn't awkward. I love that when you are so comfortable around people that you can be comfortable in silence. Silence can be voonderful at times.
Gordon is a little different than I expected. I'm not sure what I expected it to be like, but i have made friends very easily and at the beginning I was a little worried because I was hanging out with my friends all the time, and I wondered when I would ever have time to study. i wondered if people ever DO study in college. But now people do. It just took a while for people to start. My get-it-done quickly as soon as i can attitude is still with me. I already have most of my homework for my class on thursday done. I try to get things over with so i'll have time later to chill, but sometimes i try to do way too much and my brain/body can't handle it. College is making me drink more coffee. My body is okay on 7hrs of sleep now (When i used to have to get at least 8 to function well). College is teaching me to LOVE 20 min naps, and i try to fit as many 20min naps into my day! College is about learning how to live with someone you normally wouldn't choose to hang out with. My roommate and I are very different. Let me just say. But I love her. We get along great! So cool how God put them in my life right away! I met them at orientation and we have been inseperable since. They live in a different dorm than me, but we are always in each other's rooms. distance has nothing on us! lol;-) but yeah, they're super amazing girls.

WOW. I have never worked so hard in my life as I have these past 2 weeks. It seemed the work would NEVER end. The first quarter ended 2 weeks ago, along with my least favorit class (philosophy) which i celebrated... but I had to add another class on so now I have 18 credits for this semester. I don't know how some people can do 3hour lab classes. I'm not taking any science or math this year, that would destroy me i think!! I almost lost it on friday and i should've blogged then, because i felt really emo (lol) and i needed to rant. But this works too. I just was disappointed about something and i was REALLY not looking forward to this weekend because i thought i would have to work non-stop. I ended up finishing a major part of it yesterday, though, and finished this morning... so now i don't have much left to do except revise a paper, but i have until wednesday ...!!!

So I kinda thought I loved writing and I kinda thought I was okay at it, ... but apparently not so much? Writing in college is so different --- SO much harder. And I don't enjoy it as much. Which is sad. .. .. .So I was thinking about the whole plan to do journalism deal, and I don't know anymore. I've realized that no one here knows EXACTLY what they want to do when they leave college, though, so i'm not stressing about it. I would LIKE to know or have a plan though! I think PHOTO journalism would be amazing:-) Or like being a tv news anchor person.. .. something like that. News but not the writing part of it? eh, we'll see.

Thanksgiving in a few weeks!! I'm flying to chicago to see my sister Elisabeth. If it all works out, my 2 brothers, my sis Colleen, and maybe my sis Christiana are all gonna try to come too!! So we'll be without our parents, theo, & sarah (sad), but with each other! It'll be fantabulous. And my birthday's in like 2 weeks. happy about that!! but i don't really know what i'll be doing. And it's gonna be super weird without my rents and rest of family.
basically this blog is to say: I'm still alive, healthy and happy ... and having fun. I don't get off of campus near enough because i don't know enough people with cars, and i hate bugging the same 2 people ... so mostly i'm on campus and on weekends it gets a little boring, but it's cool. i'm planning on getting out of here for halloween! We might walk donw the road to a neighborhood and trick-or-treat. Not MIGHT... WE WILL. I'm gonna make it happen, AND me, becky & kate are gonna be PIRATES!!! So stoked. It'll be amazing. I say that a lot. But it really will. And On FRIDAY, andy's parents are brining him a car to use for the wknd so we are going into boston hopefully!!!!!!!! i haven't been there since school started. which is crazy since it's so close.
Gotta run! but i will try to blog more often. this felt good.

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